armchair bed
In additional to the SLOUNGE sofa bed, the designer Klaus Nolting has designed the armchair bed.
A beautiful designed armchair that can be transformed into a comfortable bed in just a few simple steps.

The lying surface is 90/200 cm. Other sizes can also be made on request. The core leather strap on the side keeps the back reliably in position. Ideal for making clever use of available space and accommodating guests even in smaller rooms.
The comfortable upholstery oft he SLOUNGE armchair bed is made of high-quality polyurethane foam.

Design: Klaus Nolting
was born in Zürich 1964. He studied industrial design at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. Since 1992, self-employed in Hamburg,first as a freelancer by Gerkan, Marg and Partner architects, then he founded with a partner ON Industrial Design. In 2006 he founded ON3D Klaus Nolting & Team. Since 2010 also a member of the Chamber of Architects in Hamburg as a freelance interior designer.