
Birgit Hoffmann
born in 1968 in Munich, after training as a ceramicist, she studied industrial design at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. In 2006 she established her own practice in Hamburg in partnership wih Peter Maly and Christoph Kahleyss with a focus on furniture design and interior design
Christoph Kahleyss
born in 1963 in Oldenburg, he studied industrial design at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel following a carpentry apprenticeship. From 2003-2013 he was initially an employee and later a partner of Peter Maly together with Birgit Hoffmann. Today Birgit Hoffmann and Christoph Kahleyss run a design studio together with the focus on furniture design and interior design.
Please read the interview with Birgit Hoffmann and Christoph Kahleyss

Klaus Nolting
born in 1964 in Zürich, Switzerland,he studied industrial design at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. He has been self-employed in Hamburg since 1992 initially as a freelancer at the architects von Gerkan. Marg and partners, then from 1996 onwards as a partner in ON Industriedesign GbR. In 2006 he founded the studio ON3D Klaus Nolting & Team. Member of the Hamburg architects chamber as a freelance interior designer.
Cord Möller-Ewerbeck
born in 1963 in Lemgo, he studied architecture and town planning at the TH Stuttgart, 1989-1994 employed by the architects practice Meyer Fleckenstein in Hamburg, since 1995 self-employed architect and furniture designer in Lemgo.